Welcome to SBC Jesse!

We are really happy to welcome Jesse Landen to the SBC family! Jesse will help with everything revolving around writing, both online and in print.

Jesse grew up in the middle of nowhere, Owen Sound Ontario. He almost didn’t graduate high school over a gym credit because one year, he went to Tampa AM and Slam City Jam and missed a lot of days. He had to run, literally run laps on a track for that credit so he could leave town.  

He then moved straight to Huntington Beach, California with photographer Ryan Allan, the founder of SBC skateboard magazine!  They lived with Mark Appleyard while he was filming for “Sorry” and in the word of Jesse: “Crazy times”.

Jesse was pro for 10 years and got to travel all around the world, but eventually, after all the jumping, his tall carcass needed repairs and he came back to Canada for ankle surgery. During that down time, Jesse started writing music on guitar and started a band. 

These days Landen is in Toronto, playing music all the time with his band Jiants, the body is feeling good and he gets out skating as much as he can.