Ben Paterson made history when he landed that switch frontside bluntslide on the Hollywood 16 rail for our latest cover.

TJ Rogers was there to assist on second camera and he tells us how it went down:
The day Benny Boy made history!
“Ben was staying at my house in California for a few weeks and he was telling me he wanted to try switch front blunt on Hollywood 16 again. (Ben tried it exactly one year ago when he was out here for 3 months, but hurt his foot.)
So the last weekend of his trip approaches, Ben has $17 to his name and he went out partying the night before and got dropped off at my house around 9am from his night out with a girl. We were getting ready for the day, Ben was contemplating on going to a skatepark first to warm up before going to the 16, I told him we should go straight there and warm up on the 12, and with a bit of convincing he was down! On the drive to Hollywood, I told Ben if he landed the trick, I’d give him $300 cash or $500 tab at the bar, whatever he chooses. Instantly that got Benny stoked, he was chain smoking the whole way to the spot. We get there, he warms up on the 12 and we FaceTime Mitch Barrette because he is the motivator! Soon after, Benny tried a switch front board to feel it out, 3 tries later he’s rolling away from a switch frontside bluntslide on Hollywood 16!!!! Hyped for ya brother! Congrats again on the cover baby!! WOOOO!!!

All photos by Luke Lutz
Video by Devin Lopez and TJ Rogers