Annual North Kaka Pilgrimage

Our annual pilgrimage to North Carolina to invade backyard pools is my favourite skate trip. Part vacation, part skate trip and part beach party. I was lucky enough to be invited by my friend Julian Garner many years ago and work all year to make sure I can take the time to travel down the east coast the OBX. People skated, we all got drunk lots of laughs were had – usual shenanigans that a group of skateboarders gets up to in a week. A backyard pool session is something everyone should experience at least once, I am grateful to get to hang around backyards and watch my friends roll through some pool block every year.

One of the best parts about this annual trip are all the amazing people who offer us such hospitality. They let us invade their private spaces, spill beer everywhere and bleed all over their pool block. These unsung heroes have dedicated huge chunks of time and money into building these amazing spaces. The dedication and work to build and maintain these private ramps and hidden gems gives us so much inspiration to go home and build something for ourselves.


-Text and photos by Aaron Cayer

Aaron Cayer, kickflip 5-0


Andrew Manion, 360 kickflip


Andrew Manion, 50-50


Vince Baldo, crooked grind


Chris Connolly, foot plant


Chris Connolly, fs 5-0


Jesse Ramirez, kickflip noseslide


Julian Garner, fs salad


Nimrad, fs air


Party Pete, frontside rock


Sam Lind, bean plant


Sam Lind, fs air


Scorpion Dan, fs feeble


Watch the video from the trip here.