Footage of Montreal Skateboarding from 1996 to 1998 filmed by Dan Mathieu. Featuring in order of appearance: Marc Tison Nic Côté Jens Grenier Steve Cantin PLG Alex Gavin Dan Pageau Marc Mikhail Casey Macdonald Eric Mercier Scott Furkay Max Dufour Phil Beauséjour
The SLP crew out of Finland just released  "HANNU" and you should watch it. Skate J NOR HASSINE MUBBE MÄK SIMO ENIZ DALLAS TITO POLLOS FRIENDS Video by TIUSANEN Filmed by TIUSANEN LURKKI PIRKKA
Element presents KNÜCKS. A new refreshing video edit by French Fred featuring the Element skate team. French Fred’s unique and creative style merges with a group of guys from around the world that share the same eye for creative...
Straight outta Hamilton comes History Skateboards featuring Riley Cronin, Shayne Scullion, Jason Dworsky, John Bergsma, and Alex Hann Boards and clothing available on
Shawn Beaupre’s Wonderland tells the story of a bored young man who goes looking for an adventure and discovers a subterranean world populated by shredding creatures. 
Hello, Seeker by Julian Kelly features the skateboarding of Keiran Zimmerman, Jared Arnason, Erik Penton and the man himself, Julian Kelly.

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